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Free Arizona Tax Return Program Seeking Volunteer Tax Preparers

TUCSON, Ariz. (KVOA) – United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona is looking for volunteer tax preparers for its annual Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. A free training is offered both online and in person to all tax preparers which will help equip them with IRS-sponsored tax certification.

In addition to tax return preparers, the VITA program is seeking volunteers to serve as intake specialists and Spanish-speaking interpreters. The VITA program is a free service that assists taxpayers with free tax preparation and e-filing services for individuals and families earning up to $73,000 annually.

According to the United Way, the goal of the annual program is to help taxpayers maximize their refunds and access all tax credits for which they are eligible, including the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit.

They also say that this collaborative program has become the largest tax preparer in the state of Arizona, serving 10 of Arizona’s 15 counties.

“We have been so pleased to have offered this free service for over 20 years and now, and as we launch our 21st year of service, we want to encourage folks to take advantage of this program which has saved thousands of people, many millions of dollars,” said Tony Penn, president and chief executive officer of United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona.

“This tax season, we want to give a special thanks to our volunteers who make all this possible, individuals who give of their time and talents to fill many different positions that make VITA successful, year after year. We encourage members of the community to sign up this year and we thank you for your service.”

Source: News 4 Tuscon