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Palestine Criticizes U.S. For Inaction on Israeli Violations in West Bank

Palestine on Tuesday criticized the United States for its inaction on the “ongoing Israeli violations in the West Bank,” urging it to take meaningful actions to end the “Palestinian suffering.”

Nabil Abu Rudeineh, the spokesperson of the Palestinian presidency, said in a press statement that “the irrational U.S. silence has encouraged the Israeli government to continue its violations against our people in the West Bank.”

As a result, Israel returned to its policy of storming the cities in the West Bank and killing young Palestinians as well as destroying the infrastructure of Palestinian cities and villages, Abu Rudeineh added.

“Palestinians will never give up their rights of defending their lands and holy places,” he stressed.

He called on the U.S. to “intervene immediately to stop the ongoing Israeli aggression and not be satisfied with the policy of statements that do not change anything on the ground,” warning that “the situation is on the verge of exploding as a result of the dangerous Israeli escalation.”

Israeli troops shot and killed a Palestinian in overnight clashes in a West Bank refugee camp, Palestinian and Israeli sources said on Tuesday, amid rising tension in the occupied territory.

Since January, 33 people, most of them Israelis, have been killed in a series of attacks carried out by Palestinians, and more than 220 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli soldiers and settlers, according to official figures.